
Archive for November, 2013

Barack Obama

Barack Obama (Photo credit: jamesomalley)

Does President Obama prevaricate or  lie? Is he disingenuous, or actually  stupid?  Or is he just deliberately  ignorant of how his Administration works.? As Hillary would say “WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE’!!!!!!

The affordable health care program has obviously been a fraud from its inception..  No one really read it because they didn’t need too.  The big secret is that the program was designed to fail from the beginning and the Democrats were in on the scam.  No one  wanted to read it and then have to say they were in on the joke played on the American People.

Why would I say this? I say this  because it is becoming more and more apparent that the whole point of shoving this program down America’s throats was to destroy the private insurance companies so that America would beg the Government to provide Universal Health Care for them.  You think I am making this up,  well then explain why supposedly otherwise brilliant people would take three years to develop a software program they knew would fail then insist on putting it up on the web anyway.   Why would they make regulations demanding the Insurance companies change their plans,  pretend they didn’t know millions would lose their plans because of their regulations,  then try and blame the Insurance companies for having changed their plans and insist they change them back – no insurance company can survive this kind of manipulations, and this Administration knew that from the beginning.

President Obama talks about phony scandals but there was nothing phony about Benghazi except for the President’s rationalizations about the attack, there was nothing phony about the IRS targeting members of the Taxed Enough Already Party except the Administrations excuses for having developed such a policy , there was nothing phony about the Justice Department going after a Fox reporter except the dodges that the Administration took to escape responsibility for criminally pursuing a reporter for doing his job.  And there was nothing phony about Republicans trying to repeal OBAMACARE,  it was OBMACARE itself that was PHONY!

This Administration’s Czars may not be brilliant but they are too clever by half and obviously will use any tactic to accomplish the fulfillment of their utopian wet dream. We have an administration that believes Government is God and you shall not put any other God’s before them. their ethics are those professed by  Communists,  namely situation ethics – which in essence states  “In any given situation what ever I do to advance my own interests is ethical” thus you can lie, cheat, steal from the people and call it social justice.

Robbing Peter to buy Paul’s votes is not social justice.  And what ever some teachers from Notre Dame might believe Jesus did not support BIG Government.  He did not believe Government was responsible for taking care of our Neighbor in need,  Jesus preached that  we individually thru personal sacrifice for our own salvation were expected to look to the needs of  our fellow-man.

I don’t know what it will take for ordinary people to realize that they only suffer greatly under all large central governments such as those of  Caesar, Napoleon, Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and now   Obama —–Bloated,  centralized  Governments such as Obama is creating with his plan to dramatically change America  is not your friend,  never was your friend, never will be your friend.  Big centralized government is  all about Power for Control Freaks who could care less about anyone but themselves.


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English: Depiction of the Senate vote on H.R. ...

English: Depiction of the Senate vote on H.R. 3590 (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) on December 24, 2009, by state. Two Democratic yeas One Democratic yea, one Republican nay One Republican nay, one Republican not voting Two Republican nays (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I don’t know how many of you may have seen this video,  it is a winner.


  I am so tired of the media and the talking heads on CNN, CBS  NBC and ABC trying to sell the CZARS and ACTION FIGURES in this Administration as the Best and the Brightest,  they most certainly are the most Devious and deceitful  as in Benghazi, IRS phony scandals and Obamacare fraud,  thank goodness there are people out there willing to call it as they see it.

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