
Posts Tagged ‘United States Congress’

united states currency eye- IMG_7364_web

united states currency eye- IMG_7364_web (Photo credit: kevindean)

I am torn with the mega data collections.  Normally I would say hey anything to rid this country of terrorists is for the good,  but with current revelations about the long arm of this Administration,  I must say its hard not to be concerned about this much information all in one spot just waiting for someone to harvest it.

All we can depend on in this day of overly abusive and intrusive Government is ourselves.   Anyone damaged by this MEGA DATA Collection needs to shout out loud and clear to a Congressman or the Press or just stand on a street corner and attract the police.

It is obvious this Administration intends to protect its agenda and its legacy, not by presenting arguments to support its positions but by destroying those who would offer any counter argument or in any way interfere with its plans to drastically change America.

I think the collection of mega data can be justified,  allowing that data to be available for the purpose of intimidating and prosecution of ones political enemies should be a great big NO NO!!!!!  However, with so much of the media  in bed with this Administration we have lost one  important watch dog of our freedoms, all we have left is ourselves and like-minded organizations that can monitor Washington and its bureaucrats.  Be Alert,  the world needs all the lerts it can get.

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United States Capitol

Image by lofaesofa via Flickr

The President‘s pronouncements on reductions in the Defense Budget got prime time exposure from our media moguls.  I suppose we should be pleased to see this Administration is taking some steps to reduce Defense Spending, You’d think they were seriously concerned about our financial situation.

I doubt it; if they take the typical progressive view towards the deficit they will reduce Defense Spending and use the savings to increase spending in some damn Utopian boondoggle that will ultimately require raising the debt limit again.  Of course as reported in the Washington Post the debt limit could automatically rise this year to 16 Trillion thanks to the manipulations of this Administration and its minions in the Senate and the House,

All the President needs to do is request the increase and if Congress doesn’t vote him down within 15 days —-   whoopee off we go on another spending spree.   And if Congress happens to be out of session when he makes his request – guess what– it doesn’t matter they either step up within 15 days or President Obama gets a go light.

Another thing we can depend on is that the only cuts this Administration will make will be in Defense.  Not that Defense couldn’t stand some trimming but it probably is the not the most proliferate waster of the taxpayers money and lest we forget, providing for a Common Defense is one of the very few Constitutional obligations of the Federal Government.

Most of the other Departments are operating on the very questionable premise that they can handle certain problems better than individual states.

This whole Administration is a farce but changing administrations won’t solve the problem, only a complete reeducation of large segments of this Nation’s citizens will enable responsible leaders to keep this sinking ship afloat until we can make all necessary repairs.

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