
Posts Tagged ‘good’


Take God out of Schools and Evil Rushes In.   There is so much discussion of how to prevent a Newtown massacre.   When we declare to our communities that all is relative and that there is no good or evil – just choice, is it any wonder those already mentally disturbed make inappropriate choices in order to voice their frustrations?   Not every mentally disturbed individual is destined to be a mass murderer but odds are when we set people up to adopt situation ethics as their spiritual guide we will see them act in any situation as if anything they do to serve their own interests is ethical,  twisted thinking leads to bizarre behavior especially in  those struggling with psychotic delusions.  If we are to save our children from such monsters,  we first must let them know evil is always close by looking for opportunities to invade our lives,  the only solution is not to just preach love but practice it.   We cannot eliminate evil or vote it out of existence but we can combat it with lives dedicated to doing good and not suffering or honoring  those who  confuse good and evil, love and lust, justice and injustice. .

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